/ Riding Exercises

Riding Exercises

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Equestrian PRO
An interesting exercise
Combining flatwork with jumping
PS Squad
Part 2 of Pole Work in the form of a cross
My last and favorite excerise is where each time you go over a pole you have to do a big circle around all poles before going to the next. This helps improve your coordination and being able to stop your horse from thinking ahead too much
PS Squad
Pole work in the form of a cross
There is so many excerises you can do with a simple cross! 1: walk/trot over them in a small circle 2: leaf clover : walk over pole turn away make a 10m circle and go on to the next pole. Continue until you finish all poles 3: Go over pole make a circle over the next and continue straight over the next to then circle over the next. (hard to explain) see the orange or pink drawing
Equestrian PRO
The trot race 🏇🏻
This exercise is one that most of my trainers have done I even have done it bareback. So the blue line is the start/finish pole, the red lines are poles or cones or jump wings used to mark the lap size (so you have to go around them) (obvs you can just go around the arena, but I prefer to do it this way) then the black point line is the first round where you "qualify" for the final round, there were 8 of us so 4 of us went first ant the first two "qualified" then the other 4 did the same... After you have the finalists you go through the pink point line and do pole bending (through the green dots, and again can be poles/cones/jump wings...) and we'd do 5 laps around, the the first ones are the winners. Also some rules: if you raise to a canter you have to let the one behind you infront, if you don't do the pole bending correctly, you go back and do them again/are disqualified. You can also get creative and add your own rules!
Equestrian Inspirer
Exercise in hand 🐎
Hello!  I want to share an exercise that is good for young horses Work in the hands perfectly prepares a young horse for riding and contact, without putting stress on the back. I use a cavesson for this, but a regular bridle will also work.1. Throw the outside rein over the neck, keep the inside rein closer to the bit. Hold your hand gently. 2. Take a slow walk along the wall of the arena , make sure the horse stays on the bit. 3. If the horse does not lose contact, go to the circle 4. After circle ask for the shoulder-in 5. And in the end, ask your horse to come to a complete stop. 6.Repeat If possible, do this exercise at a trot and even a canter 🙂Do this exercice on both left and right side 
Rising Star
A the beginning of the training session, during the walk, turn to the centre line and start doing 1/2 turns around the shoulders to the left and walk 3-4 strides and do the same to the right. Then walk on the track and then turn towards the centre line and 1/2 pirouette to the left, the walk a few strides and then 1/2 pirouette to the right. Repeat the exercice 5 times on both left and right side.
PS Squad
horse stretching ?🤪
What do you think about this horse stretching 🫣? I was very surprised what’s happened , but I think that he was very happy at this moment 🙈
Equestrian PRO
Contact Practice at Home
There's a riding exercises you can do at home with your dog! This is something my trainer had me start doing, and it works! Practice contact, half halts, and direction cues while walking your dog! I have two dogs, so I practice two hands independent at once ooorrr Ill use a longer leash with one dog and hold the leash with the extra just like I would reins. Since doing so, I can keep contact easier, know how to presignal and garner attention from my pups with a half halt, and give them very subtle directional cues to say left or right. It's done phenomenal for keeping light contact and learning to move with my horse. "Close your fingers" is much easier to do without thinking with the extra practice and youre practicing without a bit! Give it a try!