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Buy, Sell, & Swap

Please note that all transactions conducted in this channel are subject to our community guidelines and policies. We encourage members to engage responsibly, respectfully, and ethically, fostering a harmonious marketplace where everyone can benefit. Happy buying, selling, swapping, and trading! PS of Sweden does not own any of the items that are marketed or sold through the Equi Colletive. Purchase agreements are made directly between the buyer and the seller. How it Works: - Post Your Item: If you have items in good condition that you'd like to sell, simply create a post with clear photos, detailed descriptions, and your asking price. - Browse Listings: Explore the listings to find items you're interested in. Ask questions, negotiate prices, and arrange a meetup or shipping with the seller. - Make a Deal: Once you've found the perfect item, finalize the deal with the seller. Agree on the payment method and delivery options. - Meet or Ship: Arrange a safe meeting place if the transaction is local. For distant trades, choose a secure shipping method to ensure your item reaches you in excellent condition. Guidelines for a Smooth Trade: - Be honest about the condition of your items. - Communicate clearly with your trading partner. - Agree on payment and delivery methods beforehand. - Meet in public, well-lit places for local exchanges. - Package items securely if shipping is required.
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