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Equestrian Inspirer
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My dear beauty Rena, my heart horse. When she appeared at
My dear beauty Rena, my heart horse. When she appeared at the stable where I volunteered and rode, she was only supposed to be there for a moment. She stayed with us for over 3 years, we were like enemies to lovers. The hard days were our beginning, and we ended our journey with the best memories I could ever experience. We were told that this was the horse for me, that it suited me. And it fit. As best as can be, she was my bay puzzle. She was my partner in crime, the first horse to greet and say goodbye. I never said goodbye to Renia, she will always be with me, in spirit she is Turbo Renia.
Equestrian PRO
Hi from Texas I need a bit of help if anyone has experience in this area Like I said I like in Texas where the Temps can stay at 110F 43C for months on end With my new barn build I thought it would be a great addition to add oscillating fans with misting capabilities for each horse Does anyone have anything like this where they board or in private stable ? If so How long do you run them per day Do you run them like for a few minutes each hour Do you run them only during the hottest part of the day What is the misting schedule like
Summer heat ๐Ÿฅต
Equestrian Inspirer
Just saw this cute quote on Instagram and immediately thought to share it here ๐Ÿฅฐ It is so true and reminds to take a step by step and work patiently with our four legged friends who speak a different language โค๏ธ
Patience is key!