/ Riding Exercises

Riding Exercises

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PS Squad
Heart rate tracker
I am now officially sponsored by Ruxbury. Ruxbury is a Danish business that sells heart rate trackers and after using one for a week I have already noticed the benefits! This way I can see how intense my trainings are and can then adjust them to his strength
PS Squad
This is my gorgeous old girl Rosie and me in our last trick training session!
Equestrian Inspirer
Rising Star
18/06/24-23:11 (edited on 18/06/24-23:11)
Rider's Pilates - great at all levels and for all disciplines!
I've just recovered from a double hip replacement in February and riding my usual 4 days a week, though lightly most days. Returning to Rider's Pilates has made all the difference in activating my muscle memory and activating the muscles needed to ride in any discipline. It's quick, affordable and I do it in my bedroom. It's one of my prized recovery tools in my health tack box!
Equestrian Inspirer
Little jumping exersice
Just another one of these
Equestrian Inspirer
Liberty jumping
Doing liberty jumping is so important for the horse to gain confidence with themselves during jumping without having no one on their back to tell them what to do and a thing I like to do after liberty jumping is to stretch all the body and the horse back and if the horse want I teach some tricks
Equestrian Inspirer
Pole course
I tried to do a pole course but this happened with all the 6 poles around the area 🀣🀣 so I let him do what he wanted but doing some poles exercises are very good for your horse P.S: my horse was a trotter and he did trotting courses 2 years ago and he started jumping September 2023🀣🀣🀣
Kate S.
PS Squad
Serpentines with bend and counterbend
I practiced this one today! I tried to get it on camera but my pivo seemed convinced that the fence post was more horse-shaped than me πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ Excellent to work on a horse that falls onto the inside shoulder (don't they all sometimes?). I found that I got more engagement from the hind end generally after practicing this a few times each way. So, this is technically a straightness exercise but I also found it helped with collection. If you struggle with shoulder-fore or shoulder-in (or haven't done these before), try thinking about it as moving your entire upper body - hands, shoulders, head - in the direction of the bend. This controls the shoulder; no need to pull on any reins or go crazy, just shift everything above the waist to the right/left like you are turning a cart in the store. Do it at the walk first. Hope this helps! This is from the same book that @JessamynJ🌢️ recommended - it's one of my favorites!