/ Straightness Exercises (Diagram in next photo!)
Caitlin Allen
PS Squad
Straightness Exercises (Diagram in next photo!)

Straightness Exercises (Diagram in next photo!)

We all know horses are naturally crooked (and tbh so are we 🙄). Straightness is a part of the training scale I’ve been focused on as of late and I love seeing how its paying off in the quality of my lateral work! The Scales of Training Workbook has an exercise anybody can do! The aim of this exercise is to ride a three loop serpentine keeping the horse straight. A good tip is to see if you notice more weight in one rein OR if you see the horse’s ears are crooked (try to not look down but we all do it 😫). This can be done in all gaits, but keep in mind you’ll need to do a simple or flying change if doing this at the canter. If you’re like me and currently working on keeping the trot active and not just shuffling along, you’ll definitely be noticing if you need to do more cardio! Super great book and happy to post more exercises as I try em!