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I'm spinning on @BerengereA's post earlier about using
I'm spinning on @BerengereA's post earlier about using diluted hydrogen peroxide on hooves. My horse has major problems with hoof cracks that don't heal. He always has to have ring shoes and screws/steel wire. But now to the excellence of hydrogen peroxide. In Sweden we have a ready-mixed solution called Hippofix. It all started with his hoof cracking and bleeding. Then hydrogen peroxide was the salvation for me. The solution disinfects and cleans deeply. It can also be used to clean hoof abscesses. I attach some pictures of my horse's hoof. If you have any questions about hoof cracks, write in the comment field. I guess I have become a bit of an "expert" after four years with these hoof problems๐Ÿ™ˆ Now I fix the hooves myself with screws/steel wire๐Ÿ‘
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