/ Riding Exercises
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PS Squad
Riding with halter
A big tip is to ride with a halter of any kind. It helps the horse become more sensitive to contact and learn to react more from the seat aids. On the other hand the rider learns to be more effective with the seat aids.
PS Squad
Trotting pole distances
Found on the web. Hope it will be useful for you guys ☺️
Equestrian PRO
A super important exercise to build trust and improve communication between horse and rider when not riding. Also allows the horse to stretch and build muscle. It was my first time lunging a horse, and I did struggle a bit to get her moving or slow her down, but I started to get the hang of it. I had to make sure my pressure and movements were consistent and clear to her so she could follow me, and I think it really helped me practice my communication. I would definitely recommend it to those who haven't tried before.
Zeus and Mandy
Equestrian PRO
today's lesson with the dwarf. Well done 😂👍🏻
Equestrian PRO
Saturday is a groundwork day, and I really enjoy this little moments with her. At first she didn't want to pass through the poles, so first we tried poles on the ground and then elevated on one side, she did pretty well, and I'm really proud of her!! 😍😍
Equestrian Inspirer
The triangle exercise 🌟
This is great to use in Flatwork as it give you a sense of direction and also helps to ensure that you do not go over the poles at an angle. Hope it helps.✨️
Equestrian PRO
A very good experience to school your eyes and the feeling for the perfect take-off. It's also a perfect experience for horses there will be run to jump and make themselves strong. Starting with little cross jumps and some Canter poles. (3-6 Poles are perfect) If you master it you can get higher. You can arrange the poles before or after the jump or for the pro's you can arrange the poles before and after the jump.
Equestrian PRO
My last jumping training with my young mare. She's 5 years old and this is our 5th jumping training and for the first time with a consistently perfect take-off. You have to master the small jumps to get higher. 🌟 She has been riding for about a half year now.