/ Poles can be used differently!
Equestrian PRO
Poles can be used differently!

Poles can be used differently!

Poles can be used differently! I absolutely adore this exercise, I used to do this quote often when I worked with a young horse and it really helps them to learn understand your legs better. When we did this, we would start of with the blue track and the move up to the red one. In this exercise you basically walk through the gaps of the poles and try to stay in the middle. This is quite similar to one that has been posted "" but in a "let's put it to a test now!" form. I would really recommend this exercise as it's fun but obviously you shouldn't do it for long periods of time because as pretty much any exercise "the horse's head can get exhausted" (my old trainer used to say this to younger riders) Now on how to exactly do this; the gap between the poles should be like you horses normal trot poles, you should try to stay in the middle and turn in a way so you don't need to 'wiggle' to get to the middle (i hope that makes some sense), the gait that doesn't get messy is walk. I mean you can technically do it in trot but even the walk often sloes down a lot to turn tightly sooo...