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Rising Star
sooo i’m struggling! what would be your favourite colour for a saddle pad if it would be for a black horse (with a black leather saddle)? please don’t hesitate to answer with a picture! atm i’m weirdly into black ones, but i do have one cute light pink PS saddle pad as well 🩷
Equestrian PRO
Usually after riding, I just do some loose, slow trot and then walk for about 10 minutes with a loose rein in the arena or around the property (love to do this bareback as well) to cool down at the end of every ride, but I have been looking for some ideas to change this up as it is getting pretty repetitive for both me and the horses. Do you have any recommendations for any exercises I can do to cool down, or how I can cool down my horse while also practicing improving their flexibility, bend, etc.? Thanks!
Cooling down??
Equestrian PRO
I just ordered my daughter a new bridle for her pony, it doesn't come with reins so I checked out the PS of Sweden site and these are the only black pony size in stock. Do you think the white stitching will clash with the bridle?
Pony reins
Equestrian PRO
Does anyone have any tips for cantering on trails?  With my old mare, going out on hacks was the most calming experience. She never bucked or took off with me. se also always slowed down as soon as she saw people. I was just a passenger but in the best way possible. My 5-year-old, back then 4, also never had any problems. She was always brave and never even dared to buck as long as I was on her back. She was always manageable at any speed.  Just over half a year ago, I bought a 6-year-old. Hes the most precious and kind horse I have had the pleasure to own, but once we're on the trails, I struggle to hold him, even at a trot. In the arena, he doesn't buck or do anything unpleasant, unless he is in pain. On the trail, however, he launches himself forward and starts bucking as soon as I ask him to canter. I'm sure that this could just be some sort of joyous expression, but my seat isn't good enough to sit his huge bucks (I'm used to ponies 15.1/15.2hh horses and he is 17hh). DOes anyone have any tips on how I can slowly introduce cantering out on the trails without getting thrown off?
Equestrian Inspirer
Hi! So I recently bought the signature dressage pad & polos in peach with the matching coral shirt. Is there also an ear bonnet in one of those 2 colours?
Ear bonnet peach/coral
Equestrian Inspirer
Imagine you are alone, just you and your horse in the arena feeling comfortable with your saddle pad,the horse elgent with the ear bonnets and the most important thing, is you are riding safetly and comportable with your new reins... No pain, nothing you suffer with the other reins in other brands. I am writing this because I am just waiting to know of are the selected to test this beautiful, elegant and comfortable reins. I would like to be selecte beacuse as i writed beafore I have always to wear gloves for not injurying my hands. Waiting the selection impatiently. Thankyou.
Equestrian PRO
Sooo I have a little secret that I may be buying my heart horse next year but the peoblem is that he is a zhumd horse (similar to a Welsh pony) and they aren't very high horses, they're just pretty strong so that sometimes small adults ride them. Now back to my horse, last summer I was pretty much a perfect size (or at least a suitable size) on her and in this year I've grown quite a lot (like 8cm) but I didn't gain lots of weight and I 110% am in the 20% rule. So my question is if I do grow more without gaining too much weight (of course not becoming underweight) would I be suitable to ride her? I'll add a pic of us last year. Ps: maybe some of you are mothers of teens? If so maybe you could tell me when do you children stop growing sice everyone is sooo different?
The 20% rule
Equestrian PRO
How deep in the saddle do jumpers sit when on the flat? (Not approaching a fence or riding a course, but if you'd like to tell me that too, I'd love to hear what you do!) The reason why I'm asking is because, until I consistently began riding one mare who was very kind in adapting to my dressage habits, I kept sending the horses into a gallop when sitting the canter. I was told I was sitting too deep, and it was being interpretated as a driving seat. To me, I was just following the canter (I don't drive with my seat in dressage except when it's the right thing to help cue a horse for more stride/power). Yes, I was putting my dressage form in the jump tack 😂 Watching the instructors and my fellow students, I notice many sitting the gaits aren't truly sitting, more like lightly brushing against the saddle. However, when watching old videos of courses like Hickstead, many of the riders sit much more "dressage" style! By this, I mean they actually had their rears in the tack when not half-seating or two-pointing the canter, which surprised me. I understand that eventers have to sit because of the dressage test, so their horses would be used to it. So, is it just a hunter/jumper thing in today's times not to truly sit the gaits? Is it a trend, the result from a different method/style of riding, or the cause of a lack of horsemanship/classical riding? I say the last carefully, as I am only really familiar with the classical dressage philosophies and that of Jim Wofford (eventer). I ride at a more hunter style barn in the US, but I would love to hear perspectives from other countries!!!