/ The 20% rule
Equestrian PRO

The 20% rule

Sooo I have a little secret that I may be buying my heart horse next year but the peoblem is that he is a zhumd horse (similar to a Welsh pony) and they aren't very high horses, they're just pretty strong so that sometimes small adults ride them. Now back to my horse, last summer I was pretty much a perfect size (or at least a suitable size) on her and in this year I've grown quite a lot (like 8cm) but I didn't gain lots of weight and I 110% am in the 20% rule. So my question is if I do grow more without gaining too much weight (of course not becoming underweight) would I be suitable to ride her? I'll add a pic of us last year. Ps: maybe some of you are mothers of teens? If so maybe you could tell me when do you children stop growing sice everyone is sooo different?
The 20% rule