/ Review of tested product
Kate S.
PS Squad
01/03/24-01:47(edited on 01/03/24-02:03)

Review of tested product

Hi! I am trying to leave a review of the stirrup leathers. I have tried on a couple of days, different browsers, phone (chrome), PC (chrome & edge), and no luck. I input a title, tag a product, add a category, add a photo, and write the review, and it looks like it is loading but it just disappears and doesn't post. I am not using any special characters in my post or anything, and I've tried making the review longer and shorter and it just doesn't work. I've also tried from the test & review tab as well as just going to product review directly. I don't know what to do at this point. Video of what it looks like when I get to leave a review:https://photos.app.goo.gl/qHaLEVkUHkeasQnX6