/ Iam I allowed to wear that ?
Rising Star

Iam I allowed to wear that ?

Hey there, i have a Question. I recently bought a Cardi Breeches because i just like the look of it and iam curious how they are. Know my "Problem" or Fear, im a guy and i dont know what the comments are in the stable i go for riding Lessons (1 1/2 years know). Is it okay that i wear the Cardi Breeches? Do i make a fuss about nothing ? Just to be clear i really like the breeches and would like to try them. Iam sry if the question is strange or so, i just wanted to know your opinion 😅 thank you for your time 😊 ps.: if some Sentences dont make sense im sry, greetings from Germany 🤗
Cardi Breeches
Cardi Breeches