/ PS of Sweden's reins "Reins Round Stitched 16mm Supergrip"
Equestrian PRO
07/20/24-07:48(edited on 07/20/24-07:55)

PS of Sweden's reins "Reins Round Stitched 16mm Supergrip"

Here is a continuation of my review of PS of Sweden's reins "Reins Round Stitched 16mm Supergrip". (Please read my previous recession.) Today the reins got to test life at a competition in the scorching sun. We are still very positive about the reins and continue to give it a 10/10🌟 rating. The only drawback is that for us it is somewhat large in size. But it's still the best reins I've tried! We are very grateful to have been able to test these reins! /Best regards Hilma and Molle🦄
Reins Round Stitched 16mm Supergrip
Reins Round Stitched 16mm Supergrip