/ Just walk in hands
PS Squad
Fluffy Halter
Fluffy Halter
Unni Puffer Jacket
Unni Puffer Jacket
Treasure Belt
Treasure Belt
Tara Fine Knit Sweater
Tara Fine Knit Sweater
Lisa Riding Socks 2-pkt
Lisa Riding Socks 2-pkt
Lexi Long Scarf
Lexi Long Scarf
Leather Riding Gloves
Leather Riding Gloves
Cardi Breeches
Cardi Breeches
PS Lead Rope
PS Lead Rope

Just walk in hands

This is all I would like to have for hiking with my horse in hands. Ooo, and the pair of wellies because all the show is gone now 😞 and we have huge puddles everyvere in Latvia now.