Horse Racing Saddles VS Bareback pad.
There was a post about bareback pads the other day. The Poster. wanted a bareback pad with Stirrups. I purchased this Horse Racing Jocky Saddle awhile back in VS buying a Bareback pad Because it looked like a lot of fun to try out 2.) it was cheap only 99.00 Dollars, 3.) it seemed like a solution when I am being lazy and don't want to tack all the way up. Finally I rode in this thing last night OMG it is the most comfortable saddle thing I have every ridden in. I felt so secure I rode without stirrups. Cantered and rode the sitting trot. I sat directly on the Jockey saddle like you would in a regular saddle. But something about this little itty bitty saddle you stick to the horse like glue ! I felt so secure in this saddle it was incredible. This thing is an absolute riot to ride in!!!. I purchased this very very cheap on Ebay , I think a better quality one runs about 300 to 500 But I just wanted to try the style without commitment to a better version in case it didn't work for me. With that said I will be getting a better version soon, talk to the retailers about the trees on them. You can put regular English irons and leathers , and they come in so many fun colors some even can be personalized. If you are on the fence about a bareback pad or a bareback pad with stirrups . Get the horse racing saddle You will not regret this .