/ Help me design my new Jockey saddle
PS Squad

Help me design my new Jockey saddle

I am about to eat dinner here in a bit , then head out to the barn to attempt to make a mold casting of my horses back - Wish me luck. Meanwhile I thought I could ask you all what you think on design. I love certain things about of these. The youthful side in my wants a Black and pink saddle with those hotrod flames. on the seat and a black patent leather flap with hot pink trim. But the I also look at the leather versions and I am in love with those as well everything can be custom. If you had to make a dream saddle picking and choosing from the pictures I have displayed discribe what you are designing. ... Thanks
Help me design my new  Jockey saddle
Help me design my new  Jockey saddle - 2
Help me design my new  Jockey saddle - 3
Help me design my new  Jockey saddle - 4
Help me design my new  Jockey saddle - 5