Equestrian PRO
12/31/24-22:20(edited on 12/31/24-22:21)


I’m so grateful for all the memories my horse and I made in 2024. I’ve owned Gronos for 5 years already, but 2024 really was the year in which we grew the most together. -We explored new trails thanks to our own horsetruck, something we never did before as we always had to rent a horsetruck.  -We had our first beach ride. -We went 5x on a trailride vacation together. -First bitless trailride (planning on doing it a lot more!)  -Worked on his fear for cows. All the things mentioned above were never possible 5 years ago, as he was scared really easily and would bolt. Thanks to a lot of patience and trust we are where we are now.  I look forward to 2025, because we already planned a new big adventure: we are going to the Alps together. 🏔️❤️
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